Cost of Enrolment
How much you pay is determined by whether you are eligible for a government subsidised place or not (see below for eligibility requirements), the course you enrol in, the scheduled hours you commit to undertake and any concession entitlements you might attract.
All eligible students are required to pay a tuition fee, a materials fee and an student services and amenities fee.
A $300 deposit is required to be paid on day one of the course for Apprentices, SBAT and Trainees; unless the student’s employer is paying for the students fees (Ringwood Training will identify this prior to the student commencing). For IT Post School students the deposit is required at the time of enrolment. Deposit is not required for VET students.
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees are based on the course that the you are enrolling in. The tuition fee is calculated by multiplying the student contact hours by the hourly fee set for each course, for the current year. The actual hourly rate will vary, depending on whether you are eligible for a government subsidy, concession, or neither.
Students (excluding IT Post School) are invoiced per year and the tuition fee is based on the hours the student is proposed to complete as per their training plan, any hours which don’t occur as predicted (however already paid for) will result in the over-paid amount being rolled over to payment towards the following years invoice.*
Students enrolling in Information Technology Post School are invoiced per qualification. IT Post School students may undertake study in two qualifications during the academic year. Fees are payable for the qualification at the higher enrolment fee and Student Services & Amenities fee only will be charged for the second qualification. Students are encouraged to undertake two qualifications as the training aims to broaden and strengthen readiness for employment.
*This may be waived with a decision being made between the department coordinator and Centre Manager in the case a student has been assessed as NYC or is not meeting their study obligations.
Student Services and Amenities Fee
The fee is a fixed amount per student that applies to the current year enrolments. The fee applies equally to concession and non-concession students. The fee is used to fund a range of support services and student amenities.
Materials Fee
The Materials fee covers the cost of providing goods or materials purchased by RT to be used by students in the course of training, for example tools of trade, class materials, on-line licences, booklets, safety glasses, jumpers for apprentices etc.
This fee varies according to the course being undertaken and there are no concession rates available.
NB: Some other essential items that are not included in the materials fee will be listed pre-enrolment, including some safety clothing requirements e.g. safety boots for trade courses which you will be required to purchase.
Fees applicable to Government Subsidised Students with Concessions
The Concession rate does NOT apply to the Materials Fee or to the Student Services and Amenities Fee, and it is not applicable to VET in Schools programs.
The Concession Fee is set at 20% of the published standard Tuition Fee for courses that attract Victorian Training Guarantee funding. Concessions apply for enrolments in courses at the Certificate IV level and below.
Ringwood Training as the RTO will charge the concession fee to an individual who, prior to the commencement of training per calendar year, holds a current and valid:
- Commonwealth Health Care Card (this concession also applies to the dependant spouse or dependent child of a card holder;
- Pensioner Concession Card (this concession also applies to the dependant spouse or dependent child of a card holder;
- Veteran’s Gold Card, or
- An alternative card or concession eligibility criterion approved by the Minister for the purposes of these Guidelines.
Are you Eligible for Skills First Funding?
Skills First Eligibility requirements can be located at:
Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements for a government subsidised place will be charged the Fee-for-Service fee rates
Payment Plan Options
Ringwood Training offer payment plan option to all students who are having difficulties paying their fees. A $300 deposit must be paid on day 1 / time of enrolment of their course and a payment plan can be arranged on the balance owing. Students must contact Ringwood Training reception prior to their invoice due date to apply for a payment plan.
Ringwood Training will offer weekly or fortnightly payment options. Payments must be a minimum of $75 per week ($150 if paying fortnightly) unless this minimum payment will not have the outstanding balance paid in full by 30th September of that calendar year. In this case the minimum payment will be calculated by RT admin.
If a student is applying for a payment plan they will be charged a billing fee of 5% of total course tuition fees. If the payment plan needs to be renegotiated the student will incur a $50 administration fee which must be paid at the time of renegotiation.
If a student defaults on their agreement Ringwood Training has the right to suspend the student’s enrolment and restrict access to Ringwood Training services and goods until the default is rectified.
Payment plan agreements are only available to students who have an invoice of $500 or more and are not available if the student’s invoice is raised on the 1st September to 31st December of that calendar year.
If the student is under 18 at the time of the payment plan being agreed upon Ringwood Training will obtain signatories from the Parent/guardian by emailing them the payment plan contract. The payment plan can not be finalised until this has been obtained.